TVR - chiude la fabbrica di Blackpool
TVR ha annunciato che entro 6 mesi abbandonerà la sua fabbrica “storica” di Blackpool. Dopo aver licenziato temporaneamente 71 dei 260 lavoratori, TVR ha anche annunciato che non è in grado di garantire il futuro di quelli ancora al lavoro.
TVR non ha rinnovato l’affitto dell’attuale sito produttivo perchè troppo costoso e dovrà trovarne uno nuovo entro 6 mesi per evitare che la produzione venga interrotta.
Un portavoce ha sostenuto che le vendite nel periodo pasquale hanno cominciato a risalire, e che la proprietà ha intenzione di investire nel futuro della compagnia.
Update: l’importatore Italiano ci manda il comunicato ufficiale TVR al riguardo. Lo trovate nel seguito (in inglese).
Following TVR’s announcement last year that it is to discontinue production at its Bristol Avenue factory in Blackpool by 2007, the company has brought forward its plans to coincide with the cessation of its current lease, which would otherwise require long-term renewal. TVR is to relocate most of its assembly process to a more suitable facility, the exact location of which cannot yet be released.
The cars will continue to be hand-built to customers’ orders by highly skilled craftsmen using mostly proprietary components, but the impressive new technology, processes and techniques with which they’ll be constructed and tested is considerably more advanced. This will mean a significant and more consistent step-up in precision, quality, reliability and durability, as well as in compliancy with the international requirements necessary to sell more concertedly into Europe and ultimately into the lucrative US and Middle East markets.
TVRs have been built at Bristol Avenue since the 1970s, so it is regrettable that cut-backs to the local production team are necessary, the first of which took place last week. The company is confident, however, that this difficult decision is the right one to secure its long-term stability and foothold within the competitive, low-volume sports car industry, as well as to continue to improve its product and to successfully break into the wider international marketplace.
TVR also wishes to clarify that although slow winter sales did hit the company and the automotive industry as a whole, its sales have not slumped generally, with demand remaining fairly constant.
The logistics arm of the business will also be modernised to improve the availability of parts and the timeframes within which they’re delivered.
The entire change-over has, of course, been carefully planned to minimise disruption, and all current authorised dealerships and service centres remain unaffected.
TVR has been delighted with the excellent reaction from the press and the public to its newest models, the Sagaris coupe, the Tuscan convertible and the completely reworked Tuscan targa, all of which are now backed by a comprehensive three-year/36,000-mile warranty. TVR will be exhibiting at the forthcoming Motor Show and is looking forward to enjoying the continued support of its customers and emphatic enthusiasts in the UK and throughout the world, as well as to attracting new ones with the positive progress of the company and its cars. TVR is also preparing for its 60th anniversary celebrations next year.